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stewey | 09:15 Tue 21st Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Minus twenty outside: I'm going back under the covers. Good night/morning.


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a quick walk across the field will soon get your circulation going. Unless it stopped completely, of course.
Cold and foggy here, but not as cold as that!
It's 1 celsius here, Southend, Essex.
I'd have to hibernate, I couldn't function in that.
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As soon as I finish this cigarette, B00, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Brrr !
Ive been out and fed and watered the animals, I would say its not cold outside, I just had on a T shirt and a padded shirt.
^^^^ my bottom half was freezing due to the lack of clothing though!!

Just thought I would get that in first!! lol
Still, least it gave the animals a laugh eh Ratter? ;-)
Jeez!! Where are you?
Its a slightly chilly 2 degrees here
my brother is freeeezing in Calgary !
-- answer removed --
My son is melting in Perth WA, around the 40C mark recently!
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Scrivens, I met two Geordies on a temporary work assignment over here in the bar during our last cold snap about two weeks ago, and they were wishing they were back home where it's relatively balmy according to them.
It's getting warmer, then!!

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