Historians widely agree that World War I was the first war on a global scale. Comparing World War I with previous major wars.
Sandy @ Could it be mere coincidence that Jesus predicted world war food shortages and earthquakes ? Even if Jesus could have guessed that world war would be followed by famine, how could he have guessed that earthquakes would increase in frequency a long with all the weather changes? How could he have foreseen the total wars that technology would make possible only in our century.
And more Jesus said that because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off,
People have lost much of their neighbor love, but even worse than that, in recent years you seen they have lost their love for God. Have you noticed the same thing?
But Jesus was not interested in depressing poeple with bad news about the future. No, he had a positive message.(Mat 24 :14)