Daily Mail. 30.1.14.
I'm struggling this morning, even though I've had the mandatory cup of coffee.
1 across. Current indicators of one group in difficulties. Two words of 5 & 6 letters.
1 down. Anti-monarchist airman let loose in China. One word of 15 letters.
6 down. Nervously crafty, tuck in mischievous child, awake. Hyphenated answer containing two words of 4 and 11 letters.
Thanks in advance.
For 16 down, which has two words, I have got ??L? SO??S
For 12 across, I have got ??I???D, This clue is, Clever downhill runner was first to overtake left.
2 down is, "Learning the French one creates fatal attraction" One woprd for which I have ??I???D