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Ab Badges

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woofgang | 00:11 Mon 27th Jan 2014 | Editor's Blog
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Is there an up to date badge list anywhere please?


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I see I got a five-year membership badge yesterday, shortly after completing my ninth year. Close...
16:27 Mon 27th Jan 2014 WAS only 3 years but felt like 8 years.

Badges? their purpose?..........what a good question.
My service badge level has never been correct :-)

We need a new badge for people who completed dry January :-)

Yes 8 years, I must be a glutton for punishment, I really don't know why I bother.

I have just read in the Editor's Blog that quite a few ABers who posted on a thread in the Law Section have now been suspended, I wonder when his net is going to sweep over the News Section?
Unless there's a new batch, those ABers have mostly been reinstated now, AOG, they came back on Monday......

Those badges must be worth a fair bit on the scrap metal market now, hmmm.
I have asked before but got no response.

Could the Jock badge be changed to Pundit? Bar our Scottish cousins, Jock has American college connotations about it.
How often is Jock used in the UK in regards to sporting punditry/commentary?
I'm guessing Nil!
I've never heard it used, chilldoubt - in which context?
AOG - I believe that the suspended individuals were given early release and were back on the site within a week. I could say more on the subject but would only end up being suspended - again.

Personally I think that the badges are a waste of time. But then the powers that be will never ask us for our opinions on anything relating to the site.

I just clicked on the 'Jock' link. I didn't know that it is a derogatory comment name for Scots.
put it this way, wolf, if people want to be derogatory about Scots, they'll call them either Jocks or Sweaties, which is the same thing (sweaty sock > Jock)

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