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cupid04 | 14:29 Sat 01st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
What noise does a goat make?


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they make a bleat that sounds like "fao"
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what about kids?
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Senior moment DTC, just realised what you put, lol!
What Sound Does a Goat Make - › Q&A › Industries › Agriculture and Forestry‎
The goat makes a bleat sound, which sounds like a 'maa-maa'. They can make these sound different, according to how they feel, or what they want
Little bleats, ya cheeky little minx.
a bleat like "it's-it's-ed-ed-ed-ed"
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aaah, he's a boot-licker, lol!

cupid is just 'getting your goat' tony
Oh gawd, look at the related threads below.
In my experience it's a lot of hammering and cries of..."Let me out!"....."Let me out!"...... ☺
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If I read all related threads below will I find how tonyav became goatman?
Depends what he's doing with them G ! Lol....
It's a start, cupid......
Goats further north sound like Meh Meh.
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Lol, like when Aston Villa lose you mean!

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