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Put Out More Flegs...

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sandyRoe | 10:29 Mon 03rd Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is the Union Jack at the top of the page an indication that the AB management support the Belfast 'Fleg Protesters'? And why, if you pass the cursor over it, is there a message mentioning the Chinese new Year?


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Does it say "Welcome To The Year Of The Horse[i] because the flag has been well hung?
10:31 Mon 03rd Feb 2014
Does it say "Welcome To The Year Of The Horse[i] because the flag has been well hung?
You're too quick for me Sandy :)
lol bb.
I think that the Chinese horse was eaten during the celebrations.

Is it too early to mention St Andrew's day?
wolf,,,,,,,,,,,,,its never too early to mention st. Andrews day, LOL
Anne - very true. And we won't even mention the number of years that it has been forgotten.
I've hovered but can't see a message about Chinese New Year.
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It's gone now, Tiggerblue10.
Hasn't St Andrews day just recently passed? There's a while to go to the next one.
If we take it down will there be protests!!
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not from me
/// Is the Union Jack at the top of the page an indication that the AB management support the Belfast 'Fleg Protesters'? ///

I would think it is the management's way of supporting the union.

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Shouldn't 'the management' be more politic in their approach? The flag might alienate some of our northern ABers.
GB knocking USA out of the Davis cup?
Nope, St Andrew is 30 Nov......

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