Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Winter Games Day -2
20 Answers
Although this is officially Day -2, remember that Billy Morgan's snowboarding event is tomorrow, a day ahead of the Opening Ceremony.
Tomorrow, all eyes will be on Billy Morgan.
So, today ... on the last thread before the events begin, who can I post about?
Okay, there can only be one person ... the one and only ... our greatest ever ski girl ...
Tomorrow, all eyes will be on Billy Morgan.
So, today ... on the last thread before the events begin, who can I post about?
Okay, there can only be one person ... the one and only ... our greatest ever ski girl ...
yep :-) also, look out for Lindsey Van (not to be confused with the currently broken downhiller) who will spearhead women's ski-jumping at Sochi. http:// www. chicagonow. com/ token- female/ 2013/ 11/ battling- for- inclusion- women- ski- jumpers- taking- the- bunny- hill- in- 2014- olympics/
13:10 Wed 05th Feb 2014
Chemmy ... She's broken her neck, and has two vertebrae fused together. She's had her leg smashed in two places, and had three broken legs altogether. And she's still going back for more. She's gritty, and determined. She's the highest World ranked female skier we've ever had. She's the Olympian we want as a pal.
You'd go skiing with her ...
http:// www.ess entials urrey.c o.uk/do wnloads /1007/d ownload /bitblt -195x30 0-5a7f2 080446f 158734e d0a156e 71cf73f 70716a4 /chemmy 2.png
http:// img.the sun.co. uk/aide mitlum/ archive /01629/ ChemmyA lcott2_ a_16290 61a.jpg
http:// www.sta ndard.c o.uk/in coming/ article 9077171 .ece/AL TERNATE S/w620/ Chemmy- Alcott. jpg
You'd work out with her ...
http:// www.tun c.biz/c hemmy_a lcott_b oxing.j pg
http:// cdn.j2s ki.com/ i/Chemm y075_60 0x284.j pg
http:// i.daily mail.co .uk/i/p ix/2011 /10/17/ article -205008 2-0E6A6 0B90000 0578-45 1_634x4 37.jpg
You'd play with her ...
http:// f.blick .ch/img /aktuel l/origs 458969/ 2385561 041-w64 4-h429/ Heisse- Winters portler innen.j pg
She'd be your drinking buddy ..
http:// www.con tactmus ic.com/ pics/lf /abi_be aubronz _launch _040412 /chemmy -alcott -guest- abi-bea ubronz- vip-ret ail_381 3868.jp g
You'd chill with her ...
http:// media.t umblr.c om/9fb5 9e717d2 1610bc6 faf9d42 9cf1651 /tumblr _inline _mkzow8 6hTu1qz 4rgp.jp g
https:/ /pbs.tw img.com /profil e_image s/84759 9378/pr ofilesm ile.jpg
You'd buy her nice things when she got hurt ...
http:// www.pla netski. eu/imag es/site /203060 009_400 .jpg
http:// images2 .sina.c om/engl ish/wor ld/p/20 10/1202 /U135P2 00T1D35 0698F8D T201012 0223200 9.jpg
http:// www.con tactmus ic.com/ pics/le /sports _awards _4_1205 11/chem my-alco tt_3335 421.jpg
She would be an awesome friend.
Tomorrow, on Day -1 (!) the Games get under way, with Billy Morgan. But today is Chemmy Day.
You'd go skiing with her ...
You'd work out with her ...
You'd play with her ...
She'd be your drinking buddy ..
You'd chill with her ...
You'd buy her nice things when she got hurt ...
She would be an awesome friend.
Tomorrow, on Day -1 (!) the Games get under way, with Billy Morgan. But today is Chemmy Day.
The Winter Games has already highlighted the value of participating in sports.
There's a guy called Arkady Rotenberg. He is Vladimir Putin's Judo partner.
During the building of the Olympic sites, $7.4billion worth of contracts were awarded to companies connected with Rotenberg.
So it's definitely worth being involved in sports.
There's a guy called Arkady Rotenberg. He is Vladimir Putin's Judo partner.
During the building of the Olympic sites, $7.4billion worth of contracts were awarded to companies connected with Rotenberg.
So it's definitely worth being involved in sports.
They've got a load of last year's snow in a big fridge, or something. No, really.
Sochi is on the edge of the Black Sea, and it's actually quite mild. Most of Russia is buried under snow all winter. But in Sochi, the average February temperature is warmer than London.
Hey, don't look at me. I said these Games should've been awarded to Salzburg.
Anyway, Sochi is one of the few places in Russia where there is sometimes no snow. So, last year, when there was quite a lot of snow ... they gathered it up and stored it.
I know, I know ... if you freeze snow, it just turns icy. So I don't know where they've stored it.
They just have, okay?
Sochi is on the edge of the Black Sea, and it's actually quite mild. Most of Russia is buried under snow all winter. But in Sochi, the average February temperature is warmer than London.
Hey, don't look at me. I said these Games should've been awarded to Salzburg.
Anyway, Sochi is one of the few places in Russia where there is sometimes no snow. So, last year, when there was quite a lot of snow ... they gathered it up and stored it.
I know, I know ... if you freeze snow, it just turns icy. So I don't know where they've stored it.
They just have, okay?
Look out for Belle Brockhoff ...
http:// resourc es1.new s.com.a u/image s/2014/ 01/23/1 226808/ 880753- b8e6ce2 4-83f0- 11e3-90 a9-2f6f 5b597dd 3.jpg
She's Australian. She's a Snowboarder. She's a lesbian.
She's been quite active in the "anti discrimination" campaign. She says she's not going to do anything too dramatic in Sochi, because any controversy might jeopardise her Olympic place.
However, if you see her raising six fingers, it is a reference to Principle 6 of the International Olympic Committee Charter, which says that discrimination is not compatible with the Olympic movement.
Go, Belle!
She's Australian. She's a Snowboarder. She's a lesbian.
She's been quite active in the "anti discrimination" campaign. She says she's not going to do anything too dramatic in Sochi, because any controversy might jeopardise her Olympic place.
However, if you see her raising six fingers, it is a reference to Principle 6 of the International Olympic Committee Charter, which says that discrimination is not compatible with the Olympic movement.
Go, Belle!
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you ...
Prince Hubertus Von Hohenlohe.
http:// www.abc .es/Med ia/2014 02/02/h ubertus -hohenl ohe-mar iachi-s ochi--6 44x362. jpg
He is a prince. Yes, a real one. He's German. And he skis for Mexico. Half Mexican grandmother, and lived in Mexico for enough years to qualify as a Mexican citizen, or something of the sort.
Anyway, he will be skiing in that outfit ... yes, the mariachi ski suit.
He's 55, and this will be his fifth Winter Olympics!
It's like something out of an old movie. All very jolly.
Prince Hubertus Von Hohenlohe.
He is a prince. Yes, a real one. He's German. And he skis for Mexico. Half Mexican grandmother, and lived in Mexico for enough years to qualify as a Mexican citizen, or something of the sort.
Anyway, he will be skiing in that outfit ... yes, the mariachi ski suit.
He's 55, and this will be his fifth Winter Olympics!
It's like something out of an old movie. All very jolly.
yep :-)
also, look out for Lindsey Van (not to be confused with the currently broken downhiller) who will spearhead women's ski-jumping at Sochi.
http:// www.chi cagonow .com/to ken-fem ale/201 3/11/ba ttling- for-inc lusion- women-s ki-jump ers-tak ing-the -bunny- hill-in -2014-o lympics /
also, look out for Lindsey Van (not to be confused with the currently broken downhiller) who will spearhead women's ski-jumping at Sochi.