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Brain Hospital

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slinky.kate | 00:40 Fri 07th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
did anyone watch that brain hospital thing that was on channel 5 tonight,that guy with the cavenova has the same thing I have.


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I watched it kate, have you had surgery ?
Question Author
no anne its to dangerous,i have it in the cerebellum(back of head)but it has affected my balance,nausea etc.
do you have headaches. did they not say that the cavenova sometimes disappear over time ?
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they can disappear,mine has got smaller but I still have the damage it left which wont get better,i am always worried when I do get a headache its another bleed starting.
is that how you were diagnosed , ie having a bleed ?
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they didn't know what was wrong with me,i had symptoms of a heavy cold for a couple of months,then headaches,dizziness,vomiting,double vision,was in hospital for a month,when I got home I was in a wheelchair,could barely walk,balance is still very bad,have to use a walking frame,but I also have memory issues,delayed action when brain is telling me to do things,i don't know how many times I have nearly given myself a black eye as I misjudge everything,they will operate if I want but it would only be to stop another bleed,i decided not to have it as I have a not bad quality of life at the moment.
have to say kate I admire your attitude, and I hope you continue to have @ a good quality of life '' I felt so sorry for the lady with the cluster headaches, its a great programme.
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I am fine anne,have a great family,two wonderful sons,and good sister is taking me on holiday in may,thinking of going to skye
I watched it Kate and it is sad that yours is in an area that makes it harder to remove as the young man shown.

You show great strength through your adversity and the support of your family and friends is great to know too.
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mamya you learn to live with it,if it wasn't for my balance I would be brand new,
I understand, yes you learn to compensate - I am partially sighted and have had to adapt the way I do many things.

It is what we have to do to carry on.

((HUG)) ♥
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thanks mamya(((((((hugs back)))))))
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was just thinking there mamya,i had never been on a computer til I came out of hospital and young slink was angry at me for just sitting In a chair ,staring into space,so he sat with me for weeks and got me onto answerbank and I loved it,still cant send an email or anything but I'm happy the way I am now,i progressed onto two fingers for typing last year?
My typing has always been lousy, used to get knuckles rapped with a ruler at school for looking down.

I have made better strides into cyberland than I ever dreamt possible, it does become a lifeline of sorts - all that information just there at your fingertips.

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