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Worm Wee

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EcclesCake | 12:05 Mon 10th Feb 2014 | Gardening
6 Answers
Is there a way of finding out the NPK balance of my worm wee?

I seem to get conflicting answers from Googling.



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I know that this isn't CB but I have to ask .... why do you need to know this? Do you have a poorly pet worm?
This might seem a stupid question, why would you want to know? I can't imagine worms wee much so whatever the balance was it would have little effect on the soil.
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I have several thousand very healthy worms who live in my wormery digesting my kitchen waste and creating liquid fertiliser known commonly as 'worm wee'!

I just wondered what the NPK is so that I can use it appropriately rather than my usual chuck it on everything approach :-)

Have you tried the gardening websites?
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Thanks Ferlew, I had just found that link after tinkering with my search criteria when I checked back here!

I think I've been misunderstanding how it is meant to be used having read that article, I will be recommending Mr Cake takes a different approach to its application this year.

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Worm Wee

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