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Should I Be Embarraseed By My Small Build?

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2tfx | 23:15 Mon 10th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have a small waist and chest so I buy my clothes in the boys department because they are the only clothes that will fit me.


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Was slightly worried what this was gonna be when I saw it over there >
how tall are you, how old are you?
Why? The girls like your legs and say you look as though you work out.
Defo a tadsy bit vain !! Lol....
No, don't be embarrassed.
I have a small waist and a large chest, should I be embarrassed looking around the boys department?
Confidence is the key!!
No point in being embarrassed - be happy, healthy and confident.
some people would envy you your size!
I presume you are a chap, so buying boys clothes isn't so bad ! They seem to wear much more fashionable stuff these days. When I was a boy, it was all Ladybird stuff, from Woolies ! And some pretty ropey home-knitted jumpers that my Mum made, all with sleeves that were far too long, but it was OK, as " I will grow into it"...Never did though !
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Should I Be Embarraseed By My Small Build?

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