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House On Mains Gas

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yobanfa | 17:58 Wed 12th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
If a house is on mains gas, does it still need a electric pump to make it the heating work?


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well mine does. There did used to be convection systems (hot water rises, cools in the radiators runs back to boiler) but I am not sure if they exist now.
Yes...if your central heating is gas powered. Your gas stove will work, and so will your gas fire ( possibly ) but not your CH. How is the hot water going to wizz around your radiators without the lecky ?
I have always made sure I had a gas fire handy (this one connected to the mains) ever since my brothers oil fired central heating went phut
because the leccy went off.
My mother said - oh I make sure there is still a hearth and chimney in one room so I can regress to the stone age ! I agree they dont normally float so a bit of re jiggin in today's climate - hearth on the first floor ? -may be necessary
I bought one of those Calor push-along gas heaters a few years ago and its probably the wisest use of my money I can think of. Its completely independent of any mains gas or leccy. You can push it from room-to-room, and have heat where you need it. As a pensioner I can no longer afford to have the central heating on during the day any more, and my Calor heater is a god-send. Cost about £90 as I recall.

Some on ebay even cheaper :::
Maybe those portable gas heaters shouldn't be used in small rooms. I think they emit carbon monoxide which can be dangerous.
You can buy a good CO monitor - actually in this wind it shouldnt be a problem -
[ the wind do blow up through god knows what ]
Sandy...correct of course. Normal precautions need to be taken.

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