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I Am Fed Up

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Tilly2 | 17:08 Fri 14th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
with all this rain. Daily wet dogs are no joke.


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Had an 'orrible flashback then!

My dog won't go out in the rain Tilly, has'nt been for a proper walk for about a week now! She'll scuttle out ot the back yard, do her stuff, then scuttle back in PDQ!
and is why a cat is a far superior pet, murph is fast asleep snoring on me and doesnt give two hoots about going out, although she'd chase a hoot around the house if one ventured in
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Mine do that when I want them to go out into the garden Boo but at the rattle of their leads, they are raring to go.

Have you got any spare old bath towels you don't want?
Aye agree there Mcfluffy, Indi's been snoring her head off for days with no apparent desire to go outside in this stuff, lol.
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Fluff, I am not really a cat person but I can see the advantages.
It'll soon be summer Tilly, keep telling yourself that!
The downside of owning dogs.

I always enjoyed the discipline of walking my dogs when I had them, because I wouldn't (and don't!) motivate myself to go out for myself, but always would for them.

I did not enjoy schelping out in foul weather though - I watch my neigbour who religiously walks her dog twice a day, and I don't envy her at all.
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Tilly's fine, she dries quite quickly but my GSD stays wet for hours.
I agree with you, Tilly. I haven't got a dog, but I can't get out in the garden (unless I dress up like a trawlerman out in the Atlantic) to tidy up the branches that the pesky wind's blown down. I'll be glad when summer comes.
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Yes, andy, they do get you out of the house.

I don't mind the cold, or the wind, but this rain is a nightmare.

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