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Psybbo | 21:15 Fri 14th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
I'm not grumpy and I'd like to see some fun on here again, so as Delia said Let's be having you!


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21:39 Fri 14th Feb 2014

Hmmm, Tony.....the uniform didn't look too bad when we last.........♥

Yeah, but that was the firemans uniform that you made me wear, gness !.
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Mamya, so sorry you're in pain but I think you've had some lovely surprizes today, hugs and xxx
Sending very gentle ((())). Damn the torpedoes!
Yep, keep popping those Sqad Ibuprofey tabs, mamya....hope the relief comes soon.
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DTC, how about your lower jaw, is it sorted?
Thank you, Psybbs - seems to be clearing now....I'm not going to the docs with it. Some stone probably helping me masticate lower down! Didn't see it.
Just in case you do have to go to the doctor DT (if it is the salivary gland stone) make sure you are not allergic to atropine if they want to surgically remove it. Nearly killed me.
Hope it settles DTC, My daughter gets those stones and she found a way to shift them herself, blurgh.

Psybbo, oh yes - gorgeous surprises today. ♥
I'll have to google that, daisy......that's knocked the bails off my limited medical knowledge.
no surgery needed as it's out, I think, daisy....but thanks, glaucoma exists on both sides - no signs of that yet though......
I bet tat Mamya's place resembles a florists shop right now !.
That ^^^^
Is der a dicky burd in tee hpuse?
Thought so ;-)
No glaucoma DT. Paralysis.
Ended up in hospital, drip in one arm, blood transfusion in the other.
Now that's awful,, I noted glaucoma history is one of the exposures.

I wonder about bananas - both Lady J and I have a huge intolerance to those!
Ta for the BA, Psybb's, I'm pulling them in today, bernie having given me one for his Lurpack thread.....
Atropine was meant to dry up saliva before surgery. Paralysis was affecting breathing.
Not allergic to any food (so far) but since found to be allergic to penicillin and erethromycin.

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