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My Gf Broke Up With Me! Any Help On How To Get Her Back??
22 Answers
Well here is the issue now. I would guess the demise of Emilie and I's relationship goes back maybe about four weeks ago or so, when I was having trouble with Morgan, my ex. I had very strange feelings for her, but felt like I still loved her. Well we met up while I was dating Emilie just to talk and catch up. At the time Emilie didn't know. Well the entire time Morgan and I talked, she ragged on me and talked about the many men in her life and listed there qualities and assets that I didn't exactly have. Anyway, I found out that she was over me, that she didn't want me and was going on in life great, while I was still hung up on her and thinking about her from time to time. I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't help myself. I got the closure that had been nonexistent for the past year or so. Caught of guard and deeply hurt that the women I loved and had spent a year and a half with totally and ruthlessly shut me out, I became a ghost of the next week. I figured that the reality of our breakup and the lose and feelings were showing up. Well Emilie noticed this because I was being mean, short and a total ***. (Note. Before I saw Morgan, Emilie and I's relationship was utterly unbelievably amazing. The best days of my life. And I *** that up smh) Anyway, I told her that I saw Morgan and we discussed everything that had happened between us. Of course she was destroyed. I told Emilie that I just needed a little time to short all the old feelings and lingering emotions but that I would never stop loving her and that anything with Morgan and I was complete done for good. Which was true. I no longer loved her or wanted anything to do with her life. She agreed and we started on a rocky couple of weeks. My moods would shift, we argued a lot. I had no sense of humor and often snapped. I hated how I was acting but even Emilie was barely helping with how I was feeling. I suppose this was pushing her away. After these two weeks I was a lot better, but could sense something had changed. We were still arguing off and on, I think a repercussion of my previous behavior. Here is where *** gets real. The next week I tried to see her everyday that I could. I was being my old self and wanted to work on our relationship because of the way I been to her. We barley saw each other but when we did, I was the sweetest. We didn't fight, or argue. We just cuddled and were happy. But soon, she would make plans and then be to sick to go, or just wanted to go to sleep instead. The real red flag was the lack of sex. Sorry but it's true. It often didn't matter if we were arguing. We are both very attracted to one another and if a moment of passion flashed in our minds, we would act, no matter the circumstances. Well we had stopped making love. She offered one day but once she was home she backed out saying she wasn't feeling to well. Friday rolled around and we always go up to the local bar and shoot pool with some friends and my father. It has been a tradition ever scince my brother passed and she never missed it. Figuring she was generally sick, I went while she stayed home. On sat...***. Saturday, I was discharged from the Marine Corp. Emilie knew that the Marines was my life, my one goal. It was the only thing I knew how to do. She had to work sat around five. I asked her if i could see her many times before she went in, I even begged. I was in a really low spot in my life that day, i really needed her support and love. She blew me off because she said she was still feeling to sick to go out. Disappointed, but understanding I just went with it. Later that night I visited her at work and she informed me that her friend was taking her home after she clocked out in about five min, she also didn't seem to thrilled to see me. I didn't mind her friend taking her home. Walking around, I saw her friend that was supposed to take her home and said. "Your taking Emilie home?" She said "Yes, but only to get clothes then she is coming over to my house and we
im afraid you have 'killed' it she was in the moment with you and then all this with your ex, and acting like an idiot - she has seen aside of you she doesnt like - what happens next time you get a bit emotional? do you expect to just take it out on her all the time? the fact that you were so deeply upset about an ex shows you were not over her and not ready to be with someone...
16:00 Wed 19th Feb 2014
HERE IS THE REST!!!!! She said "Yes, but only to get clothes then she is coming over to my house and we are going to hang out with people" Emilie had been blowing me off for an entire week, and when I needed her she ditched me for her friend to go hang out with people. I was livid. Well she left and we texted. We argued and her excuse was she isn't going to sacrifice her friends for a relationship. I asked her to text me tomorrow because I was done talking for the night. The next day she texted me and told me she was done. That it wasn't working out. She wasn't happy and couldn't make me happy if she wasn't happy herself. She said that the relationship was to much stress and she needed to figure herself out. She said that she is in love with me and see's us getting back together in the future but not right now. She has pretty much friend zoned me and blew me off or changed the subject every time I bring us up. I love this girl. I really do. I just dont know what to do. She was my life, I saw her everyday. Any help please?
im afraid you have 'killed' it
she was in the moment with you and then all this with your ex, and acting like an idiot - she has seen aside of you she doesnt like - what happens next time you get a bit emotional? do you expect to just take it out on her all the time?
the fact that you were so deeply upset about an ex shows you were not over her and not ready to be with someone else.
the 'magic' has gone ... sometimes it cant be reignited
she was in the moment with you and then all this with your ex, and acting like an idiot - she has seen aside of you she doesnt like - what happens next time you get a bit emotional? do you expect to just take it out on her all the time?
the fact that you were so deeply upset about an ex shows you were not over her and not ready to be with someone else.
the 'magic' has gone ... sometimes it cant be reignited
I think you will have to get on with your life without her. Whether she ever comes back to you is doubtful and you dont want to waste your life pining for someone who doesnt want you. I was dumped long ago and really upset. Saw this person year or so ago and was so glad that we did not stay together. Everything happens for a reason.
To be brutally honest, it sounds like you haven't treated Emilie very well. Your ex came back on the scene and you thought you would investigate the possibilities with her, discovered that she had moved on so you thought you would carry on with Emilie.
I think it's more of how do you move on rather than how do you get Emilie back.
I think it's more of how do you move on rather than how do you get Emilie back.
I've read all of it, and it's all about you, nothing about Emilie's feelings.
You need to back off, I'm not surprised she told you that she needed space.
Btw I wish you wouldn't use the expression "blow me off" (several times) - it might be an American expression but it means something else entirely here in the UK.
You need to back off, I'm not surprised she told you that she needed space.
Btw I wish you wouldn't use the expression "blow me off" (several times) - it might be an American expression but it means something else entirely here in the UK.
Semper Fi!
First, thank you for your service from a countryman here in the U.S. (This is a British site, by the way).
Just like you've been trained... keep the main thing the main thing and don't let them make their problem your problem...
Thing is, in a few months or more, you'll have decided this wasn't as important as it seems right now...
First, thank you for your service from a countryman here in the U.S. (This is a British site, by the way).
Just like you've been trained... keep the main thing the main thing and don't let them make their problem your problem...
Thing is, in a few months or more, you'll have decided this wasn't as important as it seems right now...
Yes I noticed lol I am from Australia lol moved to the U.S. when I was six. I was discharged for with holding evidence to a drug charge. I am, well was an MP(military police) The drugs were taged and bagged and in the front seat of my car. I found some more and opened the bag and put the other drugs in the bag and forgot to seal it because the suspect started getting violent and we had to subdue him. They accused me of taking some of the evidence. I am going to court to fight the charges.