The lady that recently took over the post office in the shop I work in had no qualifications or experience related to the job. When she started she was sent on a training week. I suppose that suggests that you just need to apply and convince the employer you're the right person for the job...
What do you want to do in the post office? Lots of small post offices are run as franchises in tandom with another business (newsagent for example) so you would approach the business concerned rather than the post office. If you want to work in a main post office or be a post person you should contact the head psotmaster for your area. No particular educational requirements beyond normal numeracy and literacy standards and you would need to be physically fit to work as a delivery person Jobs within the post office aren't as easy to come by as they once were and they certainly aren't the "job for life" that they were once considered to be. Seasonal temporary vacancies crop up at peak times (xmas in particular).
As I postie, I can tell you that even seasonal posts are getting to be non existent, and it is likely - thanks to deregulation - that there won't be any full time post people within a year or so. It's already been muted by the powers that be that the job be done part time. Again, for the same reason, there may not even be a Royal Mail soon....only time will tell.
I doubt it, our postmistress (if that's what they're even called) is ditsy, scatty, keeps locking herself out of booth, can't do maths and has no concept of time. That said, she's always smiling. God bless her