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Argh...i'm Full Of Nerves Now

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queenofmean | 17:38 Sun 23rd Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
After today's driving lesson. The wind calmed and the rain stopped so all was well. But we were discussing the exam and things to expect and I did well with following instructions and doing independant driving but now I'm in a flap coz it's closer than ever and there is a few things I really must tighten up on and I'm scared if I don't that's it for me :/


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Queenie, please pass my best wishes to your mum xx
1st time I got failed for going too fast on a 40 road!!! What a thing to fail on :/ Anyway, the 2nd time I passed but only just.

I'm sure you'll be fine QOM, good luck :o)
queen although you find parking practice boring it's a very important part of driving. Think how proud you will be when you can park in a row of vehicles at the side of the road where there is only one space left & you can park up in one go. I have seen several people giving up after three attempts & moving on to find somewhere else.
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I will do Sibs xx

Oh dear Tigger....I'm sure I will too I think I'm just in my usual doubting myself mode.

WR I know it's important and a vital part but it's the one thing I can do no problem. I've had more than my fair share of practicing that. We do practice but he says you've nailed it then off we go to the next thing. It's just when my friend takes me out it's all he wants to go over that's what I find boring as there is no variety for a two hour stretch even when challenged I manage no probs :(
I couldn't get it to play, wr, just a photo- but might just be my phone.

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Argh...i'm Full Of Nerves Now

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