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No Rest For The Wicked.....

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Jeza | 15:20 Wed 26th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
1.30pm Mic is having a nap so I thought I'd close my eyes for an hour as I'm really tired. Just dropping off when the phone rings. Kitchen fitters in your area blah blah. Just dropping off for a second time when someone is at the door. No one due til 5 so I ignored it. Then I hear, Jeza it's the district nurse I know you're in as your car is here. I answered the door. You're not due til tomorrow I said. She said I told you I'd come on Thursday, Yes I know but today is Wednesday. I told you she was an airhead.
So I've given up on a nap and come on here.


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Next time unplug the phone Jeza.. you need your sleep. How's Mic doing?
No rest for the wicked, precious little for the good as my mum used to say.

Now, do the sensible thing, switch off and have a snooze xxxx
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Good days and not so good days. Thanks for asking Mazie.
Too late now Alba, Mic is awake.
I wondered that when I saw the time Jeza :-(

(sorry if I sounded tactless)
At least he's home Jeza... xx

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No Rest For The Wicked.....

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