Don't watch adverts but if they were the cheapest then I probably would. (How are you and Mic today, you both (particularly you for some reason) pop into my head quite a lot?)
Managing Sher. I keep telling myself it's not me it's everyone else. Not true I know. I am tired of trying to knock down brick walls. At times it feels like no one listens. I feel like locking the door and telling them all to go forth and multiply. I will add the none listeners are the ones in authority who always think they know best.
Mic has good and bad days. He is eating well and a bit more alert than he has been. Thanks for asking.
No way Jose, no chance Lance. What a vile advert.
I also wouldn't book with that company with James Nesbit overacting.
Also, that gawd awful one with Simon the Ogre.
None of those companies would make you want to book a holiday through them. Quite the opposite in fact.
The company's main aim isn't to sell package holidays - just hotel rooms - but they're hoping to appeal to a wide audience. I checked for Hilton hotels and they offer a worldwide list, so I might book through them.
tbh if i was looking on the internet for holidays, i wouldn't avoid a company because i hated their advert, in fact i probably wouldn't even make the link!