Can other Paypal users confirm they've had an e-mail from Paypal with the following words "Τесhnісаl ѕегνісеѕ оf thе ΡауΡal Inс. aге сaгrуіng оut a ρlannеd ѕуѕtеm uρgradе.
Wе еагnеѕtlу аѕκ уоu tо ѕtaгt wіth thе ргoсеdurе of сonfіrmatіon on сuѕtomеrѕ data.
Untіl thеn, wе hаνе tеmρогагіlу геѕtrісtеd уоur ΡaуΡal aссount aссеѕѕ."
It looks iffy to me, awkward use of English plus a typo in another part of the e-mail. Is it a scam?
I get tons of these scam letters and they all look dodgy. If I was going to scam people I would at least try and make the letters look legit. I really can't imagine that many people would fall for the con.
I know wolf but people do. I just came home and saw it, a kneejerk reaction made me ask on here but I'm sure it's worth it to them for the handful who do respond. Yes there was a link.
I've also been getting phone calls up to 5 times a day from a company that claim to be from Paypal. They asked for my name, address, etc duhhh!!!! and didn't speak very good English.
Had it confirmed that this was also a scam.........
I get a paypal phishing emails on a daily basis and always send them, together with the full headers, to the spoof@paypal email address. They always thank me and confirm it was a phishing email but I'm not convinced they can do anything to stop them even though the return address always seems to be, so I'm not sure why that address isn't closed down.
As others have said, Paypal would mention your name and some other details