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Almost Here Again

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Ric.ror | 13:46 Fri 28th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I, personally, only have another hour and 3/4 to work before the weekend can start. I intend to start to (try) to clear the garage out - I have invested in some 4 tier plastic shelves on ebay and they will be delivered next Thu so I hope to get already for the delivery.
I truly hope whatever you all get up to you have a good time


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I have a horrid feeling that some DiY is on the agenda - I've been ignoring it & hoping that a miracle would fix the bathroom lights ... but I'm now down to only one of four downlighters working & the next step is showering by torchlight :+(
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Oh Dave - we've been down to two out of four for over a year
Saves Electric and I don't look so bad in a more dimmed light
Do it first thing on Sat then you can treat yourself for the rest of the weekend
Hi, it's piddling down with rain I won't be cycling or gardening so I shall do some more DIY on the hall.....and start a little sewing project for my daughter.....

Enjoy your'll feel good when the garage is done.....x
hi gness any news on your ears xxx
doing nothing this weekend as yet! ric.ror
Nothing other than I think the whooshing is easing a bit, Bernie...was dreadful yesterday and made me a tad okay?...x

Scuse us, Ric....x
got a stinking cold, but ears ok now thx xx apologies ric!

good evening Ric.ror

i have an opticians appointment tomorrow, then a quiz night

sunday will be a lie-in with nothing to do all day except take delivery of my on-line shopping
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Glad your ears are ok Bernie
Excel - don't lie in on Sunday get up super early do a few chores then go back to bed for a nap


Napping during the day is an old person's activity. I don't think excel's that old yet, Ric.

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