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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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NoMercy | 09:28 Fri 07th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
1. I've had another considerable rebate which went down on my pay slip as "Pension adjustment."

2. Man captive and I are going Nepalese tonight...

3. It's Friday...Yaaayyy!

4. Warmer weather is on its way (allegedly).

5. I bought a gorgeous LBD yesterday to wear tonight :)

What are your RTBC?


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One reason to be cheerful, I won £64.00 on the lottery ! Came down to earth with a bump, windscreen on car damaged by stone the very next day, replacement required and I have to pay £75 excess and insurance company pay the rest.
In one hand and out of the other !! Still, I did have a win though.
Doubt there will be tears. She phones me twice a day :-)

I might get teary when she goes though.
1. I've just spotted a brimstone in the garden.
2. The garden is full of flowering bulbs.
3. The bird life has picked up and there are several nests being prepared.
4.I have an awesome meal planned for tonight
5. I'm going to look at some chooks this weekend.
6. I'm worried I'm turning into David Attenborough!

Enjoy your Nepalese meal, I love their food :-)
Gee, eccles, I need new specs - I thought you said you'd spotted a barrister in your garden....

(Where's Barmaid when you need her?!)
Ratter15 ... those are the things that matter. I wish for better days ahead for you both.
Reasons to be cheerful .. I've just enjoyed a nice bowl of soup & a French stick. My mobile hairdresser is coming to cut my hair, always cheers me up. I'm finished for the day & it's Friday.
Boxtops, I have a strange fancy for a cup of coffee.......such a shame it's not a Barista in the garden ;-)
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What culinary delights do you have planned, Eccles?
Friday is always spice night so we're having chicken vindaloo, aubergine in the pickling style, mushroom rice, Gujerati carrot salad, onion chutney, whatever chutneys/pickles I can find hiding in the fridge and as I've just discovered the yogurt has turned no raita :-(

We would have had some onion bhajis but I seem to be out of onions, can't find any spuds so samosas are out too and I'm now scratching my head as to what to start with......fingers crossed I can find some koftas in the freezer!
Hertz have payed up after someone pranged me when I wasn't in the rental.

The sun is out

Going to pick up the Norrrfolk wedding cards (drawing over on Arts somewhere)

Rugby weekend.

My friend has just whisked me out for lunch, for spending Monday at a&e with her. She really didn't have to.
one client moved to residential home on Monday, got phone call same day for a new person starting next Monday.
Is sunny!
Kids are well.
LBD - LiBiDo
LBD - Laid by Dave

Just remembered to check Wed's Thunderball, got £103 coming back, £3 for T/ball on one line and £100 for 4 main numbers on another,
Party's at yours then Bildders....
Congrats Baldric.

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