I'm trying to knit this cushion cover
https://www.woolandbuttons.co.uk/userfiles/Rutland.pdf (medium cushion)
but am having trouble with the cable pattern.
Rows 1 -6 very straightforward but on row 7 when the cable pattern starts I can't quite fathom the instruction.
On the special abbreviation section it says C6F = slip next 3 sts
onto cable needle and leave at front of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle but the instruction for row 7 says : P3, *C6F, (K3, P3) 3 times, K3, C6B, P3, rep from *
to last 18 sts, C6F, (K3, P3) twice
Does that mean instead of K3 then K3 from cable needle as in special abbreviations I K3 then P3 (as in the brackets) from cable needle?
Maybe this is a bit of an ambitious project for me. I used to be a very good knitter years back but seem to have lost the skill.