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Tempur Mattress

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riptide | 19:55 Thu 13th Mar 2014 | Home & Garden
14 Answers
Would you recommend, are they heavy to move around, do you have to regularly turn them.? Thinking of getting one but on my own so need a mattress that requires little turning. I have heard that these do not need to be moved?




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They weigh a ton but never need turning or rotating. They are very much a marmite product though. I love mine and wouldn't be without it, other people find them too hot.
I was about to type exactly what woofgang has said.
Riptide.....mind recommends rotating but not turning. I did find it very hot though so I had to buy a topper.
Other than that it's comfortable.
mine not mind wanders....☺
I'm not a fan of memory foam mattresses, I do find them hot but also err....unstable when I move around, my 'traditional' mattress isn't suited to being isn't built that way.
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Many thanks I did hear that they did not need turning. I have a good quality pocket sprung latex bed at the moment, which also can get hot in the summer, so I doubt whether I would notice much difference as regards the heat problem. Lovely and warm in the winter though. I shall go and try one out at my local furniture store.
If it was me, I would start with a Tempur or other memory foam mattress topper and see how I get on with that before I shell out a lot of money on a new mattress.
We have a memory foam mattress which is lovely. The thing that bugs me about it is that every morning when I turn the bed down the bed has depressions in it which stay all day. The bottom sheet never looks neat.
I get on well with mine. Was surprised though that the one I got was more firm than the overlay I had used previously.
I have a memory foam mattress topper and I love it... however, there's only me in my bed...I never get depressions in mine Tilly, it just springs back (well I've never watched it but it must do x)
I have a mattress protector on as well, (just in case), maybe it's that that is depressed. I always have to pull it down to get it right.
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I thought I would go back to a double bed, changed to a single a few years ago, which is one of the reasons I was asking about having to move the mattress around. The bed I have at the moment is lovely latex memory foam but I am a restless sleeper and am constantly finding my bedding on the floor with my single bed. Seems most of you feel that a tempur mattress is good, although it will have to be to compare with the mattress and pocket spring divan I have now. Anyway thanks all appreciate your comments.
If you buy a mattress off the Tempur website, you get a 60 day trial. If you really can't get on with it, they take it back less a collection charge, they don't specify the charge on the website and they aren't the cheapest place to get one though.
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Okay thanks woofgang

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