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A Fluffy Thread.....

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EcclesCake | 23:19 Fri 14th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
What is to your immediate left and your immediate right?

- Glass of Sauvignon Blanc and the TV page in my case

Guys did you have steak and trimmings for dinner?



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But is Baldric, Eccles....☺
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All things are relative....

So Baldric must be relatively young......

Relatively speaking.........
Is it legal with relatives in Kent?
Clowns to the left and jokers to the right.
My back hurts Eccles.....
Otherwise known as 'my family'
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Don't arch so much then Shoota!
Cooked myself steak.

The trimmings are a touch beyond my reach......

Eccles, if only!

Relatively speaking of course. . . .

SD you're thinking of Norfolk!
two chairs - pog dog in one
Mr S on the left, a dozy spaniel on my right. X
Left...a handsome tabby cat Right my things I haven't put in my overnight bag yet
Overnight bag, Queenie !.
This thread jumped out at me, Fluff is Mr S,s pet name for me, all together now......Aaaahhh. X
I'm staying with my best friend tomorrow night Tony, not seen her for ages so well overdue a catch up
Tv remote control to my left, rads on my right

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A Fluffy Thread.....

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