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dvd-Take me home

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microy1962 | 21:06 Mon 25th May 2009 | TV
8 Answers
I am looking for a dvd of a tv series called Take me home starring Kieth barron.


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it's not available. I mailed the bbc a while back, and there were no plans to re-show it or make a dvd.
I have it on dvd, I bought it from a site that has closed down for copyright infringement!! :o
Oh yeah, they'll love hearing that won't they :)
but I got mine mailmutt, thats the important thing ;D
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to cazzz1975,

Would you be able to sort me out with a copy, I know its a bit naughty but everybody else is at it .

awaiting your reply
of course I could burn you a copy, you would have to put your address down though :o
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Thanks for that cazzz,

Could you email me at [email protected] and I will sort it from there.

Thank you!!
Hi this is my first post.
I have this series on dvd I bought years ago on a site called hard to find tv shows.All I got was just a disc with all three episodes on it but its still watchable.

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dvd-Take me home

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