1.down. Cloth unfortunately short - better to be covered up (6). a?p???. Looks like alpaca (alack short) but can't parse the rest of it.
15 across. Picks rows, heading off - preferred (5). ??l?s. Possibly c at start if alpaca is correct. Thanks in advance.
Thanks bibblebub. I couldn't work out if I was looking for "rows" or "preferred" so I think preferred may indeed have been printed in error. Thanks for the help. Cheers.
I don't have the paper, I printed it from the Times Crossword site and it appears as "Picks rows, heading off - preferred (5)". All on the same line. Thanks.
15 across). "Picks rows, heading off (5) .....
I think that would have bamboozled me even more !! Thank goodness I was only dazed and confused.
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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1083 Saturday March 22Nd 2014