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Caran | 01:06 Fri 28th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
OH is away, I can't resist any longer. Mama Mia is going on again!!!


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nice to see you put your OH ahead of ABBA while he's there!
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He's not keen, I'm an addict so when he's away I can't resist, I know it's sad, it's my favourite film.
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It's strange every time I see it I see bits I hadn't noticed before.
I would have thought that your OH would go away more often :-)
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I quite enjoy my nights on my own. He enjoys his nights away with friends so it works.
I'm like that with The Quiet Man!
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What's the quiet man?

My all time favourite film Caran.
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Not heard of that one horse shoes.
I love it Caran. It's old fashioned (in a nice way), and very funny in parts; and I can recommend it.
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Good on you horseshoes, we all have our favourites.
A goodly filum Caran. We enjoyed it. :o}
I was going to post a mocking comment until I remembered I am exactly the same with Officer and a Gentleman
they're talking about films, mrso.
funnily enough 'the quiet man' is on tv this morning; more4@10:15am
Another fan of The Quiet Man here, lovely old film.
The Sound of Music's always been my favourite.

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