I could play the recorder from the age of 5 but lessons to learn an instrument was out of the question as there were so many of us my parents couldn't afford it.
I bought an accordion (very very cheaply - please remember I am from Yorkshire) and much to the distress of my family and people living within a mile radius of my house I practised regularly until after a short period (approx 2 years) I could play Amazing Grace. Not being able to face spending another 2 years learning The Skye Boat Song, I sold it.
I have just been given a clarinet and instruction book. It only took me a month to learn how to blow into it and get a sound out of it. I could well be the next Acker Bilk!
What about you lot?
With my voice I can clear a café or pub quicker than the fire alarm, a male version of Edith in René's café in 'Allo Allo.'
Instruments - grade 2 in Piano and Sax but really all thumbs and no fingers. My talent is in eye to hand co-ordination and my drawing skills - that was what I trained for at school and through the St Ives School of Art when I was in my teens.
Am I musical? AM I MUSICAL? Does a duck swim?.............NO!
Played the piano and the piano accordion......peak of my carrier was a one night stand as lead singer, compere and accordionist at the Springfield laundry social club Peterborough.
Got sick of groupies throwing their knickers on the stage and still waiting for the police to knock on the door re.operation yewtree.
Specialties.." I believe" ....." Portrait of my love" and " Ghost riders in the Sky"
We should definitely give some serious consideration to having an AB accordion band - who knew that AB was the last hiding place of the Accordion players of Great Britain! :)
I can't remember how I came to learn the Recorder (I think it's in the spare Bedroom), but I was forced to learn the Violin through Primary School (Over 30 years ago).
I have thought about buying a Guitar and learning that, but I think it's just a fad...
I used to be able to get a fair tune out of comb and paper. But since I became a slaphead I gradually lost the combs and had no good reason to replace them.
I never did achieve the virtuoso level displayed by the chap in this clip.
I was brought up with the lovely sound of my dads accordian. (Ranco)
Us kids loved it when dad strapped the accordian on and played for ages with all us kids listening intently.
If I ever hear any good accordianists busking, I have to drop money in their hat.
I can only play one tune though --Oh how we danced on the night that we met !!! lol
DTC you might be the male version of Edith whilst singing but I am Edith reincarnated !couldnt sing in tune if my life depended on it !as a kid I was always hoping that sooner or later the lady accordion player would catch her ti*s in it and give out an almighty scream, I did not realise there is a piece of cloth behind to prevent such happenings, always came away disappointed.
No musical talent whatsoever. I am to music what Alan Carr is to rugby union. I wish I had some talent though, even the teeniest, tiniest scrap of talent. I am 100% useless. A proud boast eh?