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Crusader 28 03 14

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mcnal71 | 22:28 Fri 28th Mar 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
16d) trendy instrument, at the edges, is intact (9) I?V?O?A?? , I think viola may be middle part but could be completely wrong, again :-)
28a) Information let out by head shows compassion (10) ?E?T?E???S


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18d inviolate
In viola te
Gen tle ness
28a gentleness
Question Author
Ta much, all done, another 60p on a stamp, soon to be 62p !! by the time I win i'll have spent as much on stamps :-(
good luck ;)
Question Author
cheers sam, need more than that knowing me. I've done crosswords for years, sunday express, Monday express & crusader every day and daily record Saturday and only won once a few years back, £500. but I like them, I usually learn something new from express £1,000 ones and crusader clues and answers are sometimes very clever and quite amusing.
you've won more than me mcnal71, won a bottle of Jura (keiths crossword) about a year ago........ don't drink whisky :(
good luck

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Crusader 28 03 14

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