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£5 Off At Lidl

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Caran | 00:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Offers & Competitions
11 Answers
The sun has a coupon today and tomorrow but must be used by Monday.
In this mornings paper among the usual rubbish was a booklet thing from Lidl, it was entitled Easter, had all adverts for their Easter produce and recipes, on the back page is a coupon for £5 off, valid until April 21st. Have to spend £40 though. I don't know if the booklet is available in store but worth your while to have a look before you shop.


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Thanks for that Caran, we got the Easter leaflet with Daily Mail today but haven't looked in it yet so will get the voucher. Keep meaning to try Lidl but quite hooked on Aldi really! so may use voucher this week. x
These £5 off etc vouchers are a rip off, I am inundated with them, why not just give us £5 off whatever we spend don't limit the amount, I wouldn't spend £40 pound in Lidl!! I recently had a £5 gift voucher from Coopers and was ready to use it when I discovered the tiny print at the bottom, when you spend £40!
Surprisingly good stuff in Lidl. I could easily spend £40.00
I haven't taken to Lidl (maybe ours isn't very good).

Caribeing - how are they a rip off. Spend £40 get £5 off, you not have to take advantage of the voucher.
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I always use them when I can. I'm quite sad really, when I go round Lidl I have to make a note of how much I'm spending to make sure I get the £40 that's needed. If I don't quite make it I grab a bottle of wine to make it up. Wish I'd have had it yesterday, spent £68 there as we have daughter, SIL and 5 grandchildren round for dinner tomorrow.
Yes I'm the same Caran, when Tescos were doing the same last year, we got two £5 off receipts so we split our shopping, OH and I took 2 trolleys round, mentally adding up each as we went round. My old Maths teacher would be so proud!
I prefer Aldi to Lidl. Find Aldi is much better quality. Knocks spots off Tesco and SuperValu too. No Asda/Morrisons/Sainsbury's in Ireland. Yet.
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I can remember doing that with two coupons. But I wouldn't trust OH to go round on his own with a trolley. I split my shopping in two, paid for the first lot, unloaded it in the car, went back and did another shop making sure I went to a different till.
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I like Aldi too but we haven't got one around here. I have to go to Gloucester to find one and that's about 18 miles away.
No we walked round together, filling his trolley first. Then when we reached £40 we started on mine. When we got to the checkout I paid for mine, then handed my Visa card to Hubby who paid for his - I typed the number in and the cashier never batted an eyelid.
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Oh I see Ann, thought you were being brave!

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£5 Off At Lidl

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