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Is This As Good A Caution Against Speeding As You're Likely To See?

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sandyRoe | 16:08 Mon 31st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
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No, Sandy, this is. The policemen involved at the end needed counselling, as anyone would when the lead biker's head is down the road. Note the speed near Camborne, which I think is just about the highest recorded in the UK. The road at the beginning is very close to here.
20:35 Mon 31st Mar 2014
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Night night, Psybo
-- answer removed --
It is a caution against inappropriate speed, but more so against bad road positioning especially around blind curves.

It is amazing the number of folk who go around curves apparently convinced it is other folk's job to ensure nothing is in the their way.

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Is This As Good A Caution Against Speeding As You're Likely To See?

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