I'm not working today. My toe ballooned and went a nasty shade of red. I can hobble but the infection is making me feel lousy....quiet day on the couch. Anybody want to join me in a lazy day?
Yes I passed my theory Sandy. I'm taking a short break from my driving just to let funds rebuild before I book my test again.
I need to look for something too Excel I'm far from happy at work now. I wish you luck with your CV and job search.
Mum is fine Anne thankfully. I'll be having a salt foot bath later Anne help keep my toe clean etc.
Excel I was at the podiatrist last week and as my nails are quite brittle down the sides they break. This one it appears to have grown and curled under and then broke and it's become infected...back off to see them on Thursday get it looked at again.
I've had loads before and they never get any easier. It always seems to happen in my right toe though :/ I might go lie down I'm feeling really bad. Fingers crossed the antibiotics help though. Ta Cupid :)