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Good Morning Early Birds..!

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berniecuddles | 04:50 Wed 02nd Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
115 Answers
good morning all to wonderful Wednesday, its well foggy here but very mild at the moment that's nearly half the week done then!


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I'm very well, thank you.
That's right WBM my 2 kids both have a blue staffie and they not got a bad bone in there body . So lovable they both are .
Morning everybody.
Morning all - grey shade seventeen this morning, mild out there too....risk of rain perhaps. I really could do with a dry spell and then I can get the 'pasture' cut.

Only on for 15 mins this morning as I have to be out of here by 7.45
A friend of mine has a huge rottweiler. Soft as anything it is. When she see's me she comes and puts her head under my hand so that I can tickle her behind the ears. She'll sit like that all day if we let her. Gorgeous she is. :o}
Morning paddy and DT.

All go today then DT!
Unfortunately so, boaty....
I'm hoping to tackle the front today. More weeds than anything else.
We just can't get it dry, huge amount of wood to chain saw, a ton of mud on the drive to move, the garlic to clip back in certain areas like the lawn, all sorts of lovely jobs out there that need some dry weather.
I'm lucky in that it's dry enough here, but then I'm at the top of a hill. It's a case of having both time and energy at the same time.
Okay see you later folk - have a good day out there.

Just been distracted for the last 20 min's watching a Tree-Creeper on the silver birch in back garden, first one this year ;-)
Have a good'un DT. :o}

Nice one balders! Nature can be so good to watch. :o}
Time to go and do something useful.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
good morning from a grey and damp Ibiza, sorry I am late again. You lot do get up very early, I am still in bed, and it's 9.28am here.

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Good Morning Early Birds..!

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