She has RA. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Your body thinks that your joints themselves are a disease, so the inflammatory system attacks them, eating them away. It is extremely painful. Left untreated it will cause your fingers, toes, wrists, etc... to become twisted and deformed and you feel every second of it. The pain feels like you have broken glass inside your joints tearing and ripping every time you try to bend your fingers or walk 20 feet. The medications usually work for a time, then stop, so you have to switch again. All the medications have side effects, some are weight gain, others are moon face which makes your face round, headaches, constant infections, fatigue are only a few. The more serious side effects include liver and kidney problems, sepsis, etc... Take it easy on her, I've got RA and I can tell you, it is hell on wheels to deal with on a daily basis. But she keeps pushing through it and that is no small feat. Way to go Ms. Turner.