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albaqwerty | 11:25 Sat 05th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
just had a coffee with some plain biccies which were useless for dunking.

Coffee was tasty though :-)

Do you think biccies should just be dunked in tea and not coffee?



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i hate dunking biccies they go all limp and soggy i like to crunch em!!
only ginger nuts should be dunked in coffee, all others are suitable for tea.
Question Author
should have known you'd be a cruncher :-)

A manly pursuit.

How's the head and have you been shopping yet?
im fine and i still hate shopping albs, unless i do it on my own, in and out that's me!
I eat biscuits or drink tea (unless I'm in Ireland)
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you got told off the other morning about being in and out :-D
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Ummm, can I ask why (or why not) ?
whichever is the correct way to ask!
lol make your mind up in or out !
Question Author
I'm female, can't make up my mind :-D

Keeps life interesting....
women tchhhh lol
No reason. I've never really eaten biscuits, even as a kid.

Tea...I think it's the years of being on tea duty that put me off. My uncle used to play games with me (board games, cards etc) and the loser had to make tea on demand. It never occurred to me that him being so much older that he was almost guaranteed to win..
lol @ ummmm, i don't really eat biscuits at all being diabetic but mrs c likes breakfast bars
Question Author
aaah, thanks Ummm.
Was just nosy :-)

I used to play board games with my much older brothers, they always won :-)
He's only 13 years older than me. On the plus side he taught me how to play chess, all card games, pool, darts....and how to chalk the dart board. The latter became a bit of a bane because he'd make me chalk while him and his mates played.
I go with the bernie camp here....a biccie (if necessary at all) alongside the mug.
i've just got my first cuppa of the day (don't ask) and forgot to make or buy biccies.

any suggestions? (polite ones that is. ta.
crisps ?
Pork Pie?
cucumber ?

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