Has anyone who has premium bonds switched to online management, having winnings paid straight into the bank? I keep receiving literature through the post suggesting it would be ideal to do it which it would in a way, but not sure I trust the system and them to not make mistakes.
There's also the fact that their system could be hacked and details of people's personal details being taken, so I was wondering if anyone has found it worthwhile and problem-free to manage their bonds in this way or if there are those who have had problems. Thanks.
Hi I have just a few premium bonds mainly from a long service award from a company I worked at. Do I have to check the numbers each time (like the lottery) or would any win be paid automatically? I still live at the same address from when I got them in the 1970s.
Ann they would be paid automatically if you subscribe to on line management, you could still check them by logging on to their site and putting your bond holder number in, you can do that anyway eve if you don't subscribe. I always check mine online each month and they send the cheque throughout the post. Do you already subscribe on line or just thinking of doing so?
I also keep receiving literature through the post asking me to switching to online management and I have filled in the forms and posted them off on several occasions...I have yet to receive any reply.
Ann, They will be paid automatically but on the NS&I website you only have to put in your holder number every month to discover if you have won.
I have done this a long time ago. Works very well. I can buy on line. I can check any winnings on line. I get an email to say I have won also. They pay direct in to my bank account any amount I do win. What is not to like?
No dunn, I don't do it online, I have been waiting for a win through the post but no luck so far, so wondered if I should be checking the numbers myself or if they do it automatically.
Wins are paid automatically if they have your correct address, they just send out cheques. I manage mine online and find it easy and convenient. No problems so far.
Dunnitall, I really dont know anything that could go wrong to be honest. In the old days waiting for a cheque to arrive and then finding time to go to the bank and pay it in was much more fraught!
Yes I did it last month and it's a pain in the Rs to set up. But once setup works ok. They at slow to email you about winnings ,but they do 2 to 3 post the draw. Winnings are Paid into your account after days after that.