This is a video from a Jewish wedding in Italy. The link was sent to me by Dee Sa, who has excellent taste in music.
There was information under the clip on YouTube but unless somebody can read and translate Hebrew we will never know what all the information is.
I must apologise to our regular music presenter mamy - but I am off to bed now to play with my Kindle and annoy the kitties with a laser pointer - normal behaviour for 50 year old crazy cat ladies.
The text immediately under the video simply reads "Music Kids choir and Yossi Azulay - "Come in Peace" "
The Hebrew text in the video description is followed by the same thing in English, which is basically an ad for services of the choir, directing you to their website here:
yes apologies from my Mamya and tks to wolf63, one day I will learn how to do this. Looks like the ceremony is in an amphitheatre, I wonder how much it all cost ?
Go to the Youtube page. Right-click in your browser's address bar, which will highlight the URL. Select 'Copy'. Come to an AB post. Right-click where it says 'Enter Youtube Link Here' and select 'Paste'. Easy peasy!