On Feb 14 I was awarded nearly £2000 by the Crown Court against the CPS for wasted costs. The CPS will not pay me the money because they don't think its right!!!! I have spoken to the court several times but they say they have done what they can by issuing the order. I have written to the judge but have not heard back. I spoke to an enforcement company but they can't enforce Crown Court orders ony County Court or High Court orders. Anyone have any ideas how I can enforce this order. Thanks in advance.
Thanks everyone....I got a call from the court to say that the judge has ordered the cps to a "mention" hearing tomorrow, whatever that is, I think he's going to hold them in contempt....hopefully they'll pay up after that, I'll post when I know whats happening....thanks for all the help ;o)
Hi, thanks for the posts, I didn't really want to go to the paper, I live on the Isle of Wight and you can't sneeze without everyone knowing and I didn't really want my name in the paper.... however, my writing to the judge did work after all as at court yesterday the CPS, after a lot of waffling, agreed to pay me within 14 days ;o) don't think they'd dare not now after telling the judge they will.....thanks to everyone for taking the time to help ;o)