Does anyone know the best way to stop cats using our flower borders as a toilet. My husband watered the soil with diluted disinfectant but they have still been back.
In our local 99p shop (the ones that took over the old Woolworth stores) they have a product you add to water. It is displayed in the pet section. Even after a shower it seems to last a few days. And it was the cheapest.
I have answered this question on several occasions in the past but each time my answer gets removed.
Boxy's idea of a water pistol has a certain appeal but why not try ebay for a Kalashnikov AK47 ?
(In case the good ABers who usually report my answers to this vexed question are going to react in their usual po faced manner, this is a joke.)
I have just this minute come in from spraying "get off" cat repellent,there are three cats determined to convert my garden to their toilet. This works very well but, like all sprays, is diluted by rain and the garden has to be resprayed often to be effective.
You can also put bits of stiff wire or twigs in the soil pointing about three inches upwards and about three inches apart. The cats don't like it up 'em when they stoop to Poo!