all the answers are plants found in /field / garden / woodland in the UK
thank you in advance for all hel
1 usual pussy hearing aid 6 - 7 letters
2primate floral show 6-6 letters
3canines thermometer filler 4-7 letters
4used to be put in coffee 7 letters
5this could be a wading bird 8 letters
6 is this a wet ground sweet 5-6 letters
thank you all so very much for all your help this is the last 6 im asking for help with please
1 very sharp choppers 8 letters
2 racing to get better 9 letters
3 bovine herb 3-7 letters
4 body fluid with a lifters beak 6-10 letters / possibly something cranesbill
5 sharp end of a strung missile 9 letters
6 sweet treat taking milk 11 letters