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Who's Having Fish For Dinner Today?

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naomi24 | 08:27 Fri 18th Apr 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
65 Answers
Even though we're non-believers, we always have fish on Good Friday - a throwback to childhood I think - a bit like having turkey at Christmas. Does anyone else still follow the tradition?


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No; in any case OH doesn't like fish. I think we're having sausages, stwnch rwdan (that's potatoes mashed with swede), carrots and onion gravy.
I am having minced beef with green peppers and a couple of chappti's made by my lovely wife. I had fish on Tuesday.
Goan fish curry for me, with a garlic naan.......
A feast of oysters/prawns/winkles/cockles/mussels & j-eels
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Who's Having Fish For Dinner Today?

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