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Mos Easter Egg Hunt

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ego1 | 17:49 Sun 04th Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
This is really infuriating! Has anyone found the pink egg? THANKS


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Page 78
I have 11 (sports page) 21 36 49 78
but I had made a mistake and tried to go back on
to re-enter but couldn't, any tips on what I can do?
Thanking you
I did the same thing, Tony. Just go out of the egg-page and back to the start. Re-sign in and you will find the old answer has been wiped. Whew!
I have found 4 eggs but I have looked through the paper 10 times and still cant find the green egg
green egg p11 sports section Michael Schumacher
Is rhe scottish edition of the paper different. The nos. I have are 3 15 23 55 62 which dont tally with other answers ie page 11 sports section ?

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Mos Easter Egg Hunt

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