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What A Dipstick !!!

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Bazile | 11:57 Tue 22nd Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Got on the bus earlier

A minute or so later - errr driver, why are you turning there , i thought .

Only got on the wrong blooming bus !!!!!

So , what senior moment have you had in the past ?


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I cycled a couple of miles to the local market, bought a few things, then walked round to the bus stop and got the bus home. The bike was still there when I went back for it.
Just had mine, Baz, at Tesco. Paying by card, i stood there all confused as to why it wasn't being accepted. Then realised that instead of my pin number, i had entered the amount of the bill - 3411.

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What A Dipstick !!!

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