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Tilly2 | 19:35 Thu 24th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
The dinner's in the oven,I have Neil Young playing on my headphones and a glass of white wine spritzer on my right hand side. All I need now, is an amusing post, to keep me occupied for the next forty minutes.
Can someone start one, please?


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I think their nesting quite close to our house.
I'm he mistress of cut & paste. I was sent it a week or two ago and it makes me chuckle whenever I think about it :-)

I've seen three red kites today :-)
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More good news then, Eccles. Kites are beautiful.

Yont, have you got some snails for them?
Thanks, Tilly
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I'm on Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young now.
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Sibs, what's the missing word?

I'm in Woodstock at the moment.
Gawd blimey, hippy stuff.
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Yont, you can't hear it. I have my earphones on. Chill.
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Stars! I thought it was skies. Thanks, sibs. I'll have another listen.

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Yont, you can't hear it. I have my earphones on. Chill.

But I know it's there.
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Would you rather I was hippy chick chilled or mrs grumpy boots, Yont?

Ok Ok no need for Blackmail.
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This will make it worse. I am now listening to Sweet Baby James.

'Just yesterday morning, they let me know you were gone.'
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Dinner's ready. Thanks for the company, everyone. See y'all.
See ya laters then, Yilly.
Oh, bliss, bliss, bliss, Tils.

A chilled evening.

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