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Explaining Yourself

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TWR | 21:01 Fri 25th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
How many of you gets this problem?


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Missed a chance there Twr, if you had found an answer of his that was not understandable think how good you would have felt unless of course the challenge really was outside of your skill zone!
"shouting, throwing things and pointing works well for me"
and my toddler :)
I used to get this problem quite often but a friend suggested a different cream. Worked wonders!
I find the more i try to explain myself, the more confused people get :-\
Have not got the patience to go over it again if they don't get it first time they were not listening
To go over what again?
Explaining Yourself...
I think that covers things.
Factor, what do you mean? :-)
It happens to me sometimes when teaching, usually when teaching algebra. I give what I think is a good explanation but just get a response of " don't get it", so I try a different way, but if after about three attempts they still "don't get it " I leave it to another day, and next time they usually get it straight away.
Morning, Tilly. I won't respond in kind or this could go on all day
Apart from the weather is there a statement which you make does not need explaining how you came to that point of view as everyone has and is entitled to their opinion

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