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Good Morning Sunday Abers

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janbee | 05:13 Sun 27th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Morning all xx Pouring rain here and thoroughly miserable. Hope it's better where you are.


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LJ, you should have gone with your first instinct to have a lazy day.
Does it take long for them to dry usually?

lol Frank, that's one way to get out of more chores for a while!

Morning Dee xx
Morning Dee.
Right yhats me home!! LJ i feelbabout 60 this morning, that one dragged. Morning evetyone else
morning . have a good walk. at least she doesn't want to run .
you still don't look a day over slappy.
all depends if I can open the windows and then they blow dry but too wet for that this morning.
Hope it brightens up Dee xx

Slappy, get thee to bed!
Im going pit, have a good Sunday everyone
Sweet dreams Slappy xx

I'm going to wriggle with the pooch. hope each has a nice Sunday xxxx
morning albs,Frank, lj, slappy and all, wheres boaty this morning ?
bye alba. bye slappy.
hope you both have a good day.
Morning all - grey and yeuck here.......the Sunday chores beckon, but first a cup of coffee and see what the form is on here.
Morning DT, all grey and damp here as well. Looks like wet dogs again, lovely.
Yes Frsank - I am just about to find out with the recycling - one big shower through here but now stopped....
morning DTC. wish you'd keep it to yourself and not send it here.
It's all because of this Cornish minority nonsense, Lady J, that we are getting this.....and they want to save money at the Government level?
well that's the recycling in the back of the car to be ferried up the drive when I go for papers......a second coffee emerged here.
Morning all looks to be ok here today . Must do the front lawn before it grows again. Have a nice day all .
time for to go. hope you all have a good day. x

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