Sudbury Hall's Museum of Childhood
The Bulls Head in High Lane
Hockley in Poynton
Banco de Espana in Madrid
It seems that the numbers we need could be hidden in amongst numbers associated with these places. I was given a clue that Madrid is a big place but I have not made any sense of it. I have also looked at grid references for the places in the UK concerned. My concern is that the word "random" has been used.
The answer should be a set of co-ords, i.e. N53 24.378 W002 07.869.
Hi- I know you've asked this quite a few times over the last 6 weeks or so and you've had a few suggestions, such as details of the grid reference of the Bulls Head and details of the station on Madrid?
Have these answers helped you get any closer because your question still looks the same to me as it did 6 weeks ago.
Can you list for us the grid references of all 4 places?