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Tonight I've Just Drank A Bottle Of Cótes Du Rhóne Reserve 2012, Costing About A Tenner From M&s...

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sandyRoe | 02:01 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
This is the first drink I've had in years. When I slipped it into the shopping trolley today I knew I'd drink it sooner rather than later. Isn't life a bitch?


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Not saying that it's easy, chrissa, it's about your own rationalisation. Sandy's bright, well-reasoned and logical. If he chooses to stick to the straight and narrow, fine, and equally so if he fancies the occasional glass of a nice glass, the defining thing being if he was addicted in the past and controlling that.
And I accept (as I am sure you do as well) that we are postulating here. It's up to him, period.
Absolutely, DTC.
I hope you are OK, sandy. I for one am very fond of you and enjoy your postings. xxx
give M&S a wide berth for a week or three if possible, just so you don't see the stuff again until you're well over this slip. Might be worth analysing just what got you off the straight and narrow this once, so you can maybe avoid that feeling too. Good luck!
Don't stay away too long mate ;-)
Come back Sandy or we will all come and visit you.
Post soon sandy, you are missed. xx
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No I didn't Dusty! Have you read the post?

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Tonight I've Just Drank A Bottle Of Cótes Du Rhóne Reserve 2012, Costing About A Tenner From M&s...

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