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What A Difference A Week Can Make

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queenofmean | 22:18 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I applied for 2 jobs last week - don't really fancy them if I'm honest but last night I went looking and I applied to 3 today and there is one I still want to apply for that I saw when I was in town today, BUT I have 2 interviews for 2 that I really fancy :)

Cross your fingers, toes, eyes and legs for me please :)


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Just give him a cuddle
Best of luck queenie, hope you are successful.

good evening queenie

everything here crossed for you
Question Author
If he appears Daisy I will, chances are I won't get one until morning but I will get a cuddle at some point :)

thank you AYG - I hope so too. I have never felt so lost if I'm honest
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Good Evening Excel

Many thanks :) Have you had any joy?
woo hoo :)

i have not started applying for anything yet - as i am still waiting to be told when my leaving date is

in the mean time - i have been fine tuning my cv
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:) I had barely left the car park Anne when I got the first call.

Aww bless Excel - I wish you all the best :)
are your digits behaving ?
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Yes, went for my pill on Monday and the GP had a look - he was happy
good. is mum well ?
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Yeah she's good, she came out shopping today so she's a bit sore but other than that she's doing well
I'm fine Anne, but totally whacked! I usually try to avoid large shops as they tire me out but I had a nice jaunt, and somehow I ended up offering to buy a certain party an outfit for attending interviews - don't know how she did it but I paid up! It's good news though and very heartening as Queenie was feeling very low this time last week. I hope something good comes out of today's happenings, we've got everything crossed for her

she will get something soon im sure.
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If I get one of them mum I will treat you to something nice :) especially for all the things you have done for me this past week one way or another. If it wasn't for you and Mr Nungate goodness only knows what sort of pickle I'd be in
Well done you Queenie, you didn't hang about! Good luck, I hope you'll be snatched up xxx
LOL queenie.... My Daughter hates Build a Bear, every time she goes in the one at Ocean Terminal she gets a panic attack ! Good luck let us know how you get on xx
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Thank you Sib and Mazie :) I don't like the thought of not having a job. I don't even feel like I'm in holiday mode. I hope one of them comes up trumps. I did send off another CV this morning but will see what transpires :)

Oh dear - is it just that one particular shop Mazie? xxx

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