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Twins Reunited After 78 Years !

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mikey4444 | 08:32 Fri 02nd May 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I have just seen this marvelous story on the BBC News website and I wanted to share it with everybody :::



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It's on TV at the moment. I'd be interested in the research.
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Ah...never watch TV in the mornings. Its lucky that they met in time. At 78, there must have been a chance that one of them might have passed away. Heart warming story.
Very heartwarming. They both look fit and active. I wonder what similarities there are, life choices, marriage, kids etc.
What a lovely happy ending
1930 - it is amazing the mother was allowed to keep one child.
and extremely difficult
Both were adopted, PP.
No ummmm, only Ann. The Mum kept Elizabeth because she had curvature of the spine and couldn't be adopted... I hope I've got that the right way round
I just caught this on the news, what a lovely story. It is wonderful they have been reunited, bless them.
It's so nice to read something positive in the news for a change
. My best wishes to both these ladies and their families.
saw this on the lunch-time news, must admit to shedding a tear.
I hope they both have as many years together as is possible

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Twins Reunited After 78 Years !

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